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Showing posts from December, 2023

2023 Cult- or Pop-Star?

"He’s a star for sure, but the “pop” part of it is still a little beyond him — he’s never had a real crossover radio hit or a major TV appearance, and might not be interested in playing the game that would lead to those kind of looks anyway. For now at least, he’s likely content being America’s biggest cult star." (Billboard Magazine, Dezember 8, 2023)

Around the Christmas Tree

But across the seas two armies stare down at each other's guns, each believing in their cause enough to die or kill the other one. But tonight there'll be no shooting, not a drop of blood will spill, they will cease their fire this silent night in the name of peace and goodwill. (D. Matthews / K. Worsham / S. Baccus / S. Munsey Jr.)

Taylor from the Hills

"I grew up in one of the poorest counties in the United States, and while there are amazing people and beautiful places, there is also a ton of crime and corruption that is often overlooked in Appalachia. I used ‘Bible Belt’ as a way to tell the very real story of people who just ‘do what they have to do’ to get out of their situation." (Taylor Austin Dye /, June 22, 2023) One theory is that the name of the US state of Kentucky originates from the term Kenta Aki , which has its roots in the Algonquian language of the Shawnee and which means something like land of our fathers . Today, Kentucky is known, among other things, for its hilly landscape. And the reference " Hills of Kentucky " has long since become a familiar term. From there (more precisely: the small community of Owsley in eastern Kentucky) Taylor Austin Dye began moving the center of her life to Nashville in 2018 wit

Poet's Resumé

"Fine line between being free and being lonely. It's blood from a stone and stoned on Percocet. He don't believe in God but he's prayin', he'll find something worth sayin', in a new way no one's ever heard it said." (Poet’s Resumé / Lori McKenna, Josh Osborne, Scott Stepakoff)